DFICU is the international crossroad for studies and graduating of students from choice institution, across the six continents of the world. As managed by group of professors and academic doctors, we are registered in England  & Wales, company number: 11910206 as Dove Francaise Internationale Limited, with business operation name as DFICU Universities, and in Nigeria with Corporate Affairs Commission as Dove Francaise University. DFICU Universities is recognized as one of the official centers of  Universities and Colleges Admissions Service -UCAS, United Kingdom and works with all government approved higher education providers in the UK. We also work with over 480 universities and colleges across Canada and USA. The beauty of our operation is that, our students can access the Mpower study loan in the USA, Canada, France and Singapore. Outside the Europe and America , we operate in Africa –  Nigeria and Republic of Benin. Some of our partner  universities are HEGT university, ESPAM university, ESGT University, Weldio University among many others.  More about our university can be seen here.